View firm portfolios
Access available DAF portfolio options, curated by your firm.
With Charityvest for Advisors, you currently have the ability to select from a thoughtful curation of investment portfolios for your clients, down to $0 in DAF assets. Investing a client DAF at any level can maximize the impact of their commitment to give in alignment with your firm's investment philosophy.
At this time, only your firm's program manager has access to configure a collection of portfolios available for your custom giving program.
From your advisor account, you can currently view all available portfolios via the Portfolios tab.
To view your firm portfolios:
Log in to your advisor account Dashboard.
Click the Portfolios tab on the left-hand menu bar. You will see a list of available portfolios, along with the sum of your clients' DAF assets invested in each portfolio, and # of clients invested in each portfolio.
Click on a specific portfolio name to view a breakdown of asset allocation and names of clients invested with the chosen portfolio.
Curious to learn more about your firm's custom DAF program? Contact your firm's program manager for program-related matters or Charityvest ( for platform-related matters.
Last updated