Retrieve client tax statements
Download annual tax statements on behalf of your client.
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Download annual tax statements on behalf of your client.
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Once your client has accepted their invitation to your firm's custom DAF program, they will receive automated annual tax statements in their account each January for the prior year's giving. Your client can access their tax statements independently.
As an advisor, you can also access your clients tax statements on their behalf.
To retrieve tax statements on behalf of a client:
Log in to your advisor account Dashboard.
Click on your client's name to expand their profile.
Click the Statements tab. You will see a list of available tax statements for download.
Don't see your client's tax statements?
Charityvest for Advisors automatically publishes annual client tax statements in January of each year to reflect the prior year's giving. The year you open a client account, you will not see any tax statements under their profile until January of the following year.
To learn how to help your client interpret Charityvest for Advisors annual tax statements, review this more detailed information on client taxes.
Curious to learn more about your firm's custom DAF program? Contact your firm's program manager for program-related matters or Charityvest ( for platform-related matters.