Wire transfers

Retrieve the information you need to make a wire transfer on behalf of your clients.

Your client can initiate a wire transfer independently, though as a trusted stakeholder, they may wish for your your assistance in contributing cash via wire transfer to their giving account through your firm's custom giving program.

To complete a fee-free wire transfer contribution on behalf of your existing giving program clients:

  • Log in to your advisor account Dashboard.

  • Click on your client's name to expand their profile.

  • Click the Make a contribution button (only available once a client has accepted their invitation).

  • Select the Make a wire transfer button.

  • Retrieve the required omnibus bank account information.

Curious to learn more about your firm's custom DAF program? Contact your firm's program manager for program-related matters or Charityvest (support@charityvest.org) for platform-related matters.

Last updated