Search for charities and Community Funds

Verify your client's preferred charity is eligible for giving and view Community Funds.

As an advisor, you have the ability to view and search for organizations while logged in to your advisor account. If your client is looking to give to a charity or Community Fund, you can confirm that it is available in our database and share the page with them to help them get started.

Here are some tips for finding a specific charity. If you cannot find the charity you are searching for, or are looking to enroll a place of worship, please contact us at

Looking to donate to a charity or Community Fund?

It is not possible to donate from your advisor account. You can search and share charities or Community Funds from your advisor account. However, only clients can donate directly.

To search for charities:

  • Log in to your advisor account Dashboard.

  • Click the Charities tab on the left-hand menu bar.

  • Search for your charity of choice by name or EIN (the official U.S. tax ID of every U.S.-based charity). You can click the heart icon to favorite a charity for easy reference.

  • Click on the charity to view detailed profile information including address, Charity Navigator link, and how grants are delivered (via check or PayPal)

  • Click to copy the shareable link if needed.

To search for Community Funds:

  • Log in to your advisor account Dashboard.

  • Click the Community Funds tab on the left-hand menu bar. You will see a list of public Community Funds, including those featured by your firm.

  • Search for a specific Community Fund by name.

  • Click on a Community Fund to view detailed information about the fund.

  • Click to copy the shareable link if needed.

Curious to learn more about your firm's custom DAF program? Contact your firm's program manager for program-related matters or Charityvest ( for platform-related matters.

Last updated